Mission Statement

Just Us Dads is a national, 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to empowering dads who desire to cultivate and sustain meaningful relationships with their children; while transcending the barriers to successful parenting placed on him by the judicial system.

There's a big difference between a 'father' and a ‘dad'.

A father is someone who does no more than donate his sperm for creation.

A dad is a man who is forever committed to his child/children - to provide, support, educate, protect and love. A dad faces the daily challenges of life, the wins and losses, and presses on to build a future for his child.

Here at Just Us Dads, we use the “En” words:


We “Enable” dads by the giving them access to resources and tools to be more supportive of their child’s development.


We “Enhance” dads’ knowledge regarding his rights, relationship and responsibilities towards his child or children.


We “Enlighten” dads by helping them understand how to play by the rules in the judicial system.

Our goal is help dads understand the law and how their actions affect their children.